Thursday 24 April 2008

A good ending to a rather decrepit week

Yeah, this week’s been a bit crap. Not going to go into details; I don’t want to because I’ve been moaning all week to my friends. I feel a little bummed out all round.

On a brighter note:
Good news 1:

I passed the exam I took at the beginning of the month. I’m surprised I passed because I didn’t even finish the paper. I only did 7 out the 9 questions. The exam was 3 hours long and felt completely drained after the 7th question. I was dreading having to tell my boss that I’d failed considering the organisation had shelled out a lot of money for me to take the course. So, thank God I passed. I hope I get to see the financial rewards soon.

Good News 2:

Through sheer luck yesterday, I met a friend of the guy I met last Friday on the way home from work. No, I was no where near Putney (SW London) in case you’re thinking I’d put my stalking plan into action. It turns out that won’t be necessary; I would never do such a thing. But truthfully speaking, I was thinking of making a trip down to South West London to see my friend Clare who happens to live on the same street as him. Good God, I’m listening to myself think while I type this and I sound desperate. Let me make it clear – I’m not desperate for any man or love at the moment. This one happens to be special and I’m not giving up on him just like that. I want him and only him – there I’ve said it. And since he’s that little extra special I think I should put a little more effort into it. Anyway, I exchanged numbers with this Mister and we’re all planning to meet up this weekend for drinks. And yes that includes my Mister; his friend assured me that he’d drag him out - come what may. So I remain hopeful again this weekend.

I’m not making apologies if I sound like a desperate man-eating gay shark!


gayuganda said...

You are a desperate, man eating shark. With love, everything is fair. Go for it man!!!!!

Kitara said...


I hear you Doctor Love.

gayuganda said...

Oh yes...

Anonymous said...

"Desperate man-eating shark"

How did you find out my middle-name?

Go get him...