Wednesday 11 January 2012

Happy new year!

For some strange reason, I feel this year has begun with new inspiration and determination. Feelings I didn't at all have at the beginning of last year. The year gone by was hopeless and filled with despair. Perhaps I feel it is time to make some changes. Changes I feel are much needed in my life e.g. gone are the days when drunken antics were the norm. Nowadays my evenings are calm and filled with lots of hot chocolate. Vauxhall doesn't feature much in my life either. I last went there last August. It's an area in London that's lead to many people's down falls. Therefore it is to be avoided. That said, people as individuals must learn to take responsibility for their own actions. Vauxhall and the many bars it has does not force people to behave the way they when they're there.

So here's to 2012 and all that it brings.

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