Wednesday 27 June 2007

What happened to this Summer?

Too much happened this weekend. Not going to into it! Besides, I’m sure you’ve all heard about it before. I tell a lie. I fell down the stairs of a night bus much to the amusement of other drunken people going home. Only I was going out to another joint. Oh well, shit happens.

I was told today that I must learn to tell people I love them more. This was the Viking telling me; and to be quite honest he does make me feel loved. I miss him when he’s away (no I’m not sleeping with him and have no intentions of doing that). He’s just one of those people that know how to make me feel really good. This unlike some that make me feel used and abused. Lucky bugger is off to Sweden (his homeland to visit his matriarch) for a week. Wish I could jet off with him.

The weather here has been so bloody awful we’ve had floods and other things being blown and thrown around in certain parts of the country. The North East of England is particularly affected. For purely selfish reasons, I am annoyed by this; Saturday is GAY pride - always a fun day out. But I bet you it’s going to be pelting down with rain. Well if it does rain, I’m going to stay in with Susan’s lot. They’re all coming over for something to eat before going to pride. On the other hand, I’m not so sure I want to see her lot; they already have preconceptions about me. Like I said she tells them everything about my life. I don’t like people that do that.

I went to see my Doctor on Monday. She told me I had hypertension (high blood pressure). I don’t believe it’s a permanent condition at all. I have to go back for some blood tests next week. I’m not sure I should be worried. Things like this don’t scare me. Odd but true.

I'm treating myself to these and some others this weekend

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