Thursday 21 June 2007

And the drama goes on,....

The drama carries on…..being quite honest I’m getting fed up of walking on egg shells all the time. I went to spend some me/ingemar time yesterday. We had a few drinks and food (he was paying – my treat next time - Muah darling!). So we ate drunk then went home. We got home I got the keys out to open the door. He normally opens the door when I’m with him, but for some strange reason I opened the door. He was behind me so I immediately assumed that he would lock the door since he had his own set of keys in his hand. A couple of minutes went past and so did a bus. This then made the main door slum really hard. I heard Susan get out of her room; she then went and locked the door. Then she came flying into the kitchen where I was effing and blinding about not locking the door and that someone being the house at 4.30am the previous day. Apparently (I was not there to witness this), someone had forgotten to lock the main the door and some random person had entered and wondered around the flat and even tried to get into her room. The truth, is I heard her get up at around this time (yes 4.30am) and I assumed that she was going to buy cider (it wouldn’t not surprise me at all and yes there’s a liquor store open near my flat that’s open at this time). Apparently not, she thought it was me, who’d let someone into the house (for a shag) and forgotten to lock the door.

When in the wrong, I normally hold my hands up and say sorry. I did that yesterday. I thought that perhaps I’d forgotten to lock the door earlier on in the evening so I apologised. You’ll never guess what Susan did next? Run out of the kitchen like a little girl screaming, effing and blinding slammed her bedroom door then rang her mother. Then she started playing Scott Walker’s the drift (a most horrendous record!!). She’s done this before. Makes me wonder why a 57 yr old woman would behave like this. She does this to her sister and daughter. Does this mean she really loves me as much she loves them or she hate us all. I’ve never seen an older person so immature at communication, handling her temper in public, cleanliness, bad manners etc. She’s like this spoilt 6 yr old girl trapped in a 57 yr old woman’s body. Each time she gets upset, she has a tantrum rings her mummy then hides in her room sulking (to really bad music). Dear Lord, What is the world coming to? I told her this to her face that’s why I can write about it. I’m wondering why she reacted like this. It’s not the first time someone or she had forgotten to lock the front door. Makes me think something else is lurking underneath all this. I’ll investigate and get back to you on this one. It’s one of those instances when you know you’re right. Watch this space,….. If I’m right, she’ll get it!!

Enough of that palaver! Viking is in love. He needs to learn to pull away and take things slowly. He’s getting there though (bless him). I love having him around. We’re beginning to understand each other better. Nice Puss Puss (kiss kiss in Swedish for those that don’t know).

On a random note. Annoyed that Gianfranco Ferre died this week. I was a fan!

If you ever get a chance to visit the GFF site

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