Monday 23 July 2007

Bugger Buggerers!!! They're all pissing me off.

I woke up annoyed this morning. I was in one of those moods which if anyone had said hello I’d have just told them to piss off out of my breathing space. I think I’m still pissed off about certain things that happened over the weekend. Some people seem to be more and more capable of pissing me off. I like to think that I have enough patience and never to go flying off the handle like some people I know. As you can tell I had an argument with a really good friend. He talked to me like I was stupid – I felt violated. We had a screaming match down the phone. The other friend of mine pissed me off by being an opportunist and taking advantage of my kindness and stealing. I don’t take advantage of people nor do I take the piss out of their kindness for me. It’s not what he took that annoyed me. It’s because he felt that he could come to my home and have free reigns over my property. Some would call that stealing from a friend. He was dishonest about the whole thing. Lucky enough someone saw him take whatever he took. Neither has apologised, that’s probably the reason I’m still upset. OK enough of the ranting.

I know I said enough of the moaning but for Pete’s sake; if I can’t moan on my own bloody blog where else can I do it? Simple question: If a person is dumped, it is surely the dumpee that normally cries and wails about being dumped and not the dumper. I’m not sure if you follow my gist, but I’ll try and explain it again. My friend dumps their boyfriend but ends up crying about it saying how much they miss the boyfriend etc. Well if you miss him after dumping him, why bloody bother dump them in the first place? Love is a funny thing. It never ceases to amaze me. All I can say is that ‘each to their own’. I see this turning into some ‘Carrie Bradshaw-esque’ type blog one day. Either way it will give one insight into the workings of certain people’s brains. No wonder some of us choose to remain single. Relationships can sometimes be too much hard work, miserable and the loneliest places to be. Don’t bring up that sex on tap reasoning – sex is so accessible these days. It all depends on how well you play the game.

Finally some good news; I don’t have diabetes. I got the all clear this morning from my Doctor. She said she’d monitor my blood pressure and glucose every three or four months. I got really worried that I would have to start taking medication for the rest of my life. I really believed I had got the bloody condition especially as it runs on my dad’s side of the family. The things we inherit from our parents – much as we love and adore them.

I’m still looking for shoes. I missed the summer sales, I went to most of my favourite shoe shops and all the stuff they had on sale was shit, or didn’t love them or I hesitated. I’ll try again next week when I’ve got more time on my hands.

On a random note, I had the weirdest dreams on Sunday. I’ll spare you the details. Some where nightmarish others plain odd. One was like 28 days later (the film). Others were of me being so deeply in love and walking on a beach in Mauritius. Then I had a monster nightmare that felt so real I woke up thinking it was really happening. I’m off to dream dictionary. Ciao

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