Tuesday 24 July 2007

Kabbala is actually ok.

No I'm not that much of a Madonna fan in case you're wondering. If I wanted to see her all the time I know where her house is in London.

The Viking bought me the first course (a 30 day introductory course). See Kabbala is not a religion it is a way of life encouraging people to achieve fulfilment, success and satisfaction in their lives. It also encourages people to focus on the long rather than short term. Short term success is given by examples such as material, money etc. Oh, I can’t go into it right now. I’ll explain later. So far it seems to be making sense. I’m forever an optimist who has little pockets of pessimism dotted around my brain. We’ll see,…

After my Saturday night fracas; someone’s decided that the best way to apologise to me is by taking me out to dinner. I agreed simply because I can’t be bothered to sit and watch Susan get pissed on cider for the Nth time this week. I’m also bored of staying in. So why not? Mind you, there’s going to be some strange silences at the table. This could have all been saved by a simple sorry. In fact I’d rather have that than awkward silences in a busy restaurant. Anyways, I’ll keep you posted.

Yesterday was Monday. Nothing much ever happens.

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