Wednesday 10 October 2007

This year has begun to a very interesting, weird and dramatic start. Simply put, there is way too much drama in going on it amazes me. But I have to say -It’s all very easy to forget the size of this city sometimes. There are nukes and crannies all over that you suddenly discover once in a while. This was not, however, a new discovery. I’d heard about places like these in London but never in my unimaginative imagination did I ever think I’d find myself there.

So Friday night I’m with a few friends getting sloshed in Soho – nothing new here. Friday night is party night like most places on the planet - unless of course you live in Saudi Arabia. My friends are 1 gay, 2 lesbians (not together), and 2 straight boys (they are the opposite of faghags). And I don’t know what it is, but I always ask myself why people suddenly amorous after a few tipples of their favourite drink. So, music’s playing, people all over the bar are pouring their hard earned cash down their necks, there’s laughter and people are getting merry. Suddenly the chic on the table next to ours comes over and says hello. She was quite a looker and I had too give her a second glance. Unknowingly she’d been making eyes at one of my mates. 20 minutes later they were tough wrestling. Needless to say this carried on for most of the evening. We were due to go to The Cross in Kings Cross (one of my favourite haunts in London). It came as no surprise that we didn’t make it to The Cross. Instead someone suggested that we go to some club (some club indeed!) in Camden where I’d never been. I assumed it was just like any other bar/club type thingy. I don’t think anyone will ever understand the shock I got when I was handed two towels at the entrance. It was too late by this time. So, out of curiosity I thought I might as well see what this place is all about. I entered and it was dimly lit, there was a large Jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, a chill out room and a bar. I had to walk around first just to check the place out. The first place I went to was the steam room. And to my shock – there was a live threesome going on – I mean live banging in the most inappropriate sense. Everyone in this place seemed to be on heat. There were boys together, girl-girl, girl-boy-girl, and any other conceivable combination you can imagine (not that I’m prudish or anything and in fact far from it) I refused to take part in any of that. I’m just not into public displays of erotica. I keep thinking one can easily get carried away with things like that. Sex in London in so accessible sometimes it’s hard to believe it. I’m informed places like these exist in most parts of London – funny how information about them is not freely available. Anyway I spent most of the evening talking to some very nice strangers at the bar.This was the highlight of my weekend.

Saturday is normally a chill out day for me and the rest of my mad gang. It gets kind of boring because most people suddenly start talking about problems they have or are about to have with their respective partners. Issues to do with trust and commitment yet for a fact I know and they know that they’re cheating scoundrels (Yes you all know who you are and God is watching!)

Sunday, yes Sunday of all days turned out to be quite pleasant. I slept till around 10am when my mother rang me. Without even asking me, she told me to go pick her sister that's on holiday her and escort her to hers. I was a bit miffed by this. I had plans that day. I didn't mind, afterall it's not like my aunt lives here; I also don't get to see her everyday. So I got up, tidied my little flat i.e. hoovering, washing up, dusting etc. Got to my aunt's at around 1.00pm then my mum's at 2.00pm. Had lunch, my step was also home so it was nice. At around 5.00pm my aunt and mum decided they wanted to hit the pub. I decided I'd stay home. I was being good and have been since I moved. So I told them I'd join them later. Got there at around 8.00pm for a glass or two of wine. By the time I got there, these two ladies were merry. I got my glass of wine and sat with them. Come 10.00pm they were pissed!!! They carried on drinking and encouraged me to drink especially my mum. I can't do the accent but she kept telling me it was too early to home. The pub shut, ordered a cab, dropped my mum off home. By the time we got to my mum's she seemed even more pissed. I had to help her out of the car and walk her to her flat. It was all amusing really. She was all giddy and giggly. I had to do the same for my aunt. In fact I had to walk her all the up into her flat. The evening turned out to be ok; I find that the times when the sisters meet up are the most humourous. That was the weekend.

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