Friday 22 February 2008


I’ve been in a silly mischievous mood all week. I feel like a naughty little boy for some reason. Though it’s been quite hectic at work, I’ve been giddy and giggly. I’ve had some serious laughs at work all week and it’s been nice until today when I sort of had a mini-argument with one of the managers. I was scanning a newspaper whilst waiting for my pc to boot. He came to my desk and told me to stop reading a newspaper at work and that I should put it in my bag. I of course refused and I told him that if he had any issues with that he should raise them with my line manager. I wouldn’t have minded if I’d spent the entire morning reading the paper but I hadn’t. I was simply scanning it. Secondly, this neurotic twat has no authority over me so he can get lost. I have support from the director anyway.

I’m craving a good piss up this weekend. The Viking is around; he again rang me at 6.00am to let me know that he was here. I think he finds it funny to ring me at odd hours of the day. I’ll get him back when we meet later. He owes me a drink. I hope he’s alright, lately, he’s been coming down London whenever he gets stressed in Sweden. Good thing he can afford to come down every other week almost.

I have a date tomorrow – meeting AN from last Saturday. I hope it goes OK. There are times when I’ve found to people to be completely different from when I met them the first time. I usually blame it on the booze or something else.
A random picture that made me laugh:

I want to go and see 'tough time, Nice time'. I’ve not been to the theatre in bloody ages. The last play I went to see was ‘Twisted’ at Oval house last May. I’ll book some tickets next week it’s showing until the middle of April. MT wants to see it before he flies off to Namibia on the 14th.

Have a stupendous, delicious and delectable weekend.

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