Tuesday 26 February 2008

The Weekend

It was quite the fun weekend I hoped for. I made plans to go for a lunch date with AN so I’d be free in the evening to meet up with the boys in the village. It was quite a lovely date. I’m surprised I didn’t get tongue tied like I normally would in such situations. The whole event seemed to flow naturally and comfortably. There were no naughty antics so nothing to report.

After my date, I went home for a quick shower and change of clothes and off I went to meet the boys. MT was almost an hour late. He had a valid excuse though his flatmate + partner had just returned from South Africa. I’m looking forward to seeing his flatmate’s partner. He is Polish and had never been to Africa before. He did the whole safari thing which I’m sure he loved having never seen Africa’s wild animals in their natural habitat. From what MT tells me he saw each and every four legged animal in Africa. The only animals he never got to see were snakes. I don’t think he missed much. Snakes are overrated bastards and I hate them. I particularly dislike their smirky faces.

Saturday was actually nice I didn’t over do it which I’m quite happy about. Went to Geisha on Charing Cross road. It’s been open for a few months now but I’d never been. I thought the place lacked atmosphere so we left and went to the Box. We ended up in Heaven. I’ve never really been a fan but I took MT because he’d never been. He was amazed by the size of the club. Heaven was ok I guess we didn’t stay late either. MT got tired and we left at around 3.00am.

I took the night bus home. I haven’t done that in ages. The last time I was on a night bus a gang of yobos attacked a middle aged man because he’d reported them to the police for shoplifting. They literally dragged him off the bus, threw him onto the pavement and started kicking him in the head. Me and a few other passengers got off the bus to stop the bastard kids. I was shocked at how young these bastard kids were. I’d say the oldest looked 15 at most. Makes one wonder what sort of parents lets their kids roam the streets at 2.00am. The gormless looking bus driver was not very helpful either. He just let the kids run riot on the bus. I had to call the ambulance and the police. Luckily this all took place near a large hospital so the ambulance arrived within 3 minutes. What’s the world coming to?

My trip on the bus was uneventful. Possibly due to the fact the bus goes through the safe parts of West London. A young guy did ask me for a cigarette whilst I was waiting for the bus, I gave him one then he kissed me on the lips much to the amusement of other people at the bus stop. The journey was alright took about 10 mins and I saved myself £15 in cab fares

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