Tuesday 19 February 2008

Random Nutterings

I woke up on the wrong side of bed so I was in a mood this morning. I got to work and trawled through folders on my PC where I store snippets of stuff that has made laugh in the past. I found this. I’m I the only one that finds it amusing?


I shouldn’t moan about this but I find that I’m increasingly getting hit on by younger guys (18-24). They probably assume I’m the same age as them. I have a baby face and look about 22 (I’m turning 30 this year). I should really be thankful because I don’t look bedraggled and dishevelled. All those years I spent caning the party circuit are yet to show up on my face – Thank you Jesus! What a shame I prefer going out with guys around my own age or slightly older. I know to most it wouldn’t be a problem but I seem to have this mental block where I never give these boys a chance. Makes me wonder whether I’m limiting or restricting my chances in the long run. I use the at least -5 or +5 or somewhere in between rule. There was an exception with GS of course he is 8 years older but he just slipped through the net. I suppose on the one hand I expect to go out with someone more grounded and stable. I can’t be dealing with young student boyfriends; I think I’ve moved on from that. Good God! I just realised I’m starting to take myself too seriously. Eek!!

Anyways something nice to look forward to this week.

I think Tigerlillies are just so beautiful!

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