Wednesday 26 March 2008

The Razz, loving nights and the Recovery

It’s Wednesday afternoon and I’m still really knackered after the long weekend. I really must be getting old. Does getting old mean getting tired easily? No, I refuse to accept that statement. I want to grow old disgracefully and wild. I also want to grow old still and be able to swing off chandeliers and dance on tables. Makes me wonder whether I’m loosing my stamina; my challenge is to look into ways of improving it. I can’t stop doing the things I love due to the fact I’ll spend the entire week recovering. It’s not going to happen and I won’t allow it.

I was meant to go to Gravity at Fire last Thursday. I being sometimes a ditzy boy forgot that there are two entrances to Fire on a Thursday. I ended up in bloody Rude Boys. The rest of the gang were on the other side of the club so I had to leave and go round the back to meet them in the other room. I couldn’t resist but take a wonder around the club before I left.

Rude boys was an experience all together. It’s meant to be a ‘chav’ night; they had a male stripper and a dark room. A lot of boys were wearing tracksuit bottoms and trainers (typical chavs – nothing new there). I wasn’t impressed with the arrangement personally. Never been into strippers so when this one came on I went to the bar to get some water. I came back just as the stripper was about to finish and guess what? This guy had the strippers cock in his mouth – each to their own. Personally not for me; like I always say, public displays of erotica aren’t for me.

Then I ventured into the dark room. I can’t compare it to anywhere I’ve been. The place was incredibly packed. All the guys in there looked like refugees about to be fed or hungry dogs. You could not move in there. It took me about 15mins to fight my way out. The guys looked a bit unwashed, I imagine they came straight from work and ended up in the club. I really hope they carry/used protection before they engaged in whatever business they were about to. I don’t like the way the felt they could just maul my bottom but I can’t blame them I suppose they assumed I was in there for the same reason as them. I’ve never been able to understand people that get excited over sex that way like it’s going out of fashion. That was my cue to leave; I wasn’t having any fun here anyway. I left and went to meet the gang for proper raucous fun which indeed it was.

I had a really really lovely Good Friday. I spent the afternoon and all evening and night with AN. We ate, laughed, drank and danced - to mention but a few. It was lovely; really lovely and I want more days like that with him. The end.

I took AN to meet my friends in Marlow, Bucks. They’ve been really keen to meet him so I took him. I felt more comfortable taking him there because the guys in Marlow are more like him. They’re one of the most absolutely wild, crazy and fun bunch of straight people I’ve ever known. He got on really well with them. We stayed in Marlow till around 11.00pm then headed back to London for Café de Paris. It was another blinding night. I love the décor in this club. I should go there more often.

Due to my nights out on the razz, I wasn’t able to make it to my parents. So I decided to stay in with AN and catch up on some sleep. My parents weren’t impressed. They’d been expecting me so mum left a stroppy message on my phone again. I did manage to go and see her on Monday which made things better. I’m looking forward to the next bank holiday already.

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