Wednesday 5 March 2008

Shame, Shopping and Travel

I feel pretty effed off and embarrassed about my behaviour this morning. I saw Paul (annoying guy from Fire) and run for cover. I was about to catch my train this morning and he was slightly ahead of me about to get into the same carriage as me. I ducked for cover behind a pillar and run down nearly half the length of the train to get into another carriage. I feel ashamed of my self but I was in no mood to be bored by politics on my way into work. Whilst I keep up to date with the US presidential campaign, I just can not be arsed to listen to people talk about it on the way to work. I think I know why the hiding bothered me. If it was some I remotely fancied, I’m sure I’d have made every darned effort to make sure I talk to them. It’s not a nice thing to do but I’m sure a lot of the people I know do it.

I’m going to treat myself to this month. I’m done paying my bills, not planning on going out much this month. So I think I’ll indulge in some retail therapy. I love shoes!! I think the silver ones are just dynamite!

I got an email from an old friend from university the other day who’s decided to move to South America – Uruguay to be exact. I’m jealous of people that can just up and go off loitering around the world. I had too many responsibilities immediately after graduating so I never had the chance to go travelling like some of my friends did. I increasingly find that I’m getting the urge to just drop everything and go. Where to? I have no idea but I definitely won’t be doing South Asia, Australia etc. I quite like the idea of the South Pacific Islands. The cheaper option would be to go see some of my

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