Tuesday 4 March 2008

Another weekend

Nothing much happens during the week for me these days. It’s not that stuff isn’t happening around me; I just choose to stay in during the week and leave all the drama take place at the weekend. I’m enjoying spending my weekdays at work and home with a clear head. I find that I’m more alert and get a lot more done. This has been going on over the past 6 months or so. I think I was beginning to go off the rails a bit so I decided to reign myself in a little.

I had a nice evening last Friday. As usual, I met with the battalion. We’d all agreed we were not going to spend our Friday night in the Village. We’re all bored of looking at the same faces most of the times we go out. So we decided to go to the King William IV in Hampstead. I’d never been before so I was keen to try somewhere different. Me and MT got there early so we decided to get something to eat. Not sure this was a good idea cause the food made MT quite lethargic and sleepy (he gets like that all the bloody time!) he wanted to go home after about an hour. He did in fact decide he was going home and left at 10pm. Luckily enough everybody (including AN) had turned up by this time. Alpha brought his ex-gf – who also happens to loath me for some reason. We met in Old Street briefly last year and she (the dappy sow) instantly disliked me even before I‘d said hello. I later heard that she thought I looked gay. Well, I was in a civil mood last Friday so I thought it would be nice to accommodate the stone faced bitch.

We stayed for another hour. No one seemed in the mood to go home so I suggested we head to Fire. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea since most of hadn’t been for 3 months. We jumped in a taxi and headed off to grimy Vauxhall. Fire never disappoints me. I had really good boogie which I seriously needed. It felt like I was releasing some pressure. It was good all in all. I met an ex T4 presenter who happened to be really wrecked. His eyes were rolling back all the time. I also met this posh boy that happens to live on my street. He seems to have a few issues that rather left a bad taste in my mouth. For instance he’d been having secret escapades with guys whilst his gf/fiancé’s at home. He defiantly denied and got rather offended when I asked him whether he was possibly Bi. I’m no one to judge so I humoured him. I invited him to hang out with us for the rest of the night since was in Fire alone. He also looked at bit sad standing on his own in the smoking shed. It was alright until this Paul started to get Political with AN. How people feel the need to have political debates in a night club is beyond. He was also starting to get quite aggressive. AN was not amused so he told me to get rid of him. We managed to loose him at some point only to meet him on the train home. We got off one stop before ours and made excuses about going to get some food. I’m sure I’ll bump into him sooner or later since we live on the same street. Gosh, I always seem to attract these randoms. Must be my kind face.

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