Thursday 17 April 2008

Beware of Scruffy Dogs

Yes beware. If you’re on a date and the other person turns up looking scruffy having made no effort at all, looking dishevelled and untidy then they’re probably scruffy in the head too. Yes, beware.

One of my best friends experienced something really embarrassing on a date last week. Like I said in the last post, I wasn’t in party mode last week. So one of my friends decided they’d go on a date instead. He’d been planning to meet up for drinks with this guy for ages but hadn’t found the time because he’d been travelling a lot lately. He rang the date and they both agreed they’d meet up at a really popular bar in the Village. They both arrived within minutes of each other; which my friend thought might be a good sign. They sat down, my friend went to the bar to get the drinks in, got back and they started on the small talk of getting to know each other – they’d previously only chatted online not about themselves but about their manginas and the things they wanted to do to each other. Apparently there were uncomfortable silences whilst they chatted and generally the conversation wasn’t flowing. The date decided that he was going to the toilet and that he’d return in secs Law and behold the boy never came back; he ran off. I felt really bad for my friend, he only realised after about 25mins that his date had disappeared (forgive my friend he’s a bit slow sometimes). He was so furious he wanted to ring his date and give him a piece of his mind. I talked him out of it; I thought it would be pointless. I explained to him that if I was the date that had ran away, I’d have probably switched my phone off or just ignored any phone calls from him. This eventually calmed him down a bit.

When he calmed down I asked him what his date looked like. He described him as a scruffy looking, unemployed, and smelly Scotsman that he wasn’t even attracted to when he saw him in real life. He added that he looked more or less like the drug pushers you get on the corner of Brewer and Rupert St. I asked why he went through with the date; he explained that he thought it would be rude to just leave. My advice to him was to make a polite but realistic excuse and leave early next time he was faced with the same problem. I personally don’t see the point of people wasting each other’s time. If there’s no chemistry then no chemistry. We don’t live in some sort of lab trying to figure out how to fuse things together using various compounds, solutions, solvents and elements. To me, if things don’t work then they don’t and I move on. That’s not to say I follow a rigid regime, I also believe in giving people a chance and first impressions aren’t always right. Manners are also key so is treating other people how I’d like to be treated. One would think that is little to ask but you find there are imbeciles out there - total and absolute C**TS like this date for example. This might sound strange, but I’m really interested to know why he ran off like that. I’d want an explanation. The bastard didn’t even have half his drink. I’m still baffled, confused and shocked at the behaviour of certain men. I’ve had enough of talking about this idiot that I don’t know so, end of.

I’m tempted to ask my friend to try and do things differently; he’s been on numerous dates, maybe about 30 this year alone but no results. I want to know what he’s doing wrong. I think it’s time we both had a chat. He also uses Gaydar a lot. I would be really interested in finding a couple that actually met on Gaydar and had a successful relationship. I don’t doubt at all that they exist but I’m a sceptical about forming relationships with people on Gaydar and online in general. I find the old way of meeting people is best, whether people meet in a bar club or supermarket or even better through friends. It’s not that I haven’t explained to this friend of mine - I tell him all the bloody time. He just won’t listen and end up wanting to say to him ‘I told you so’. I’m getting bored of saying that to him as well. Oh, I don’t know…

On another note, I've gotten over my moodiness. Funny how a smile from a stranger can turn things round within seconds. I think I'll try and get the same train as I did today. That smile was something else this morning. It did wonders for me. I'll keep you posted.

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