Wednesday 23 April 2008

A Most Wonderful Brief Encounter

I met someone on Friday that’s left me confused, baffled and wanting ‘man-hair’ of a dog. Since Saturday afternoon he’s all I’ve been thinking about. He was absolutely lovely, lovely, lovely; really witty and affectionate. The one bad thing is that I forgot to get his number after breakfast in the café near mine. I remember his first name but I’m not sure how he spells his surname. I really feel like going on the hunt for him because I know the street he lives on in Putney. I also know where he works. The only thing stopping me is not wanting to seem like a stalker. I’m mystified about what to do; I really am.

I always thought things like this only happened to other people and I think I understand now. I’m going to try and Facebook him; I’ll try all possible spelling combinations of his surname. One of my friends thinks I should just leave him alone because we’re bound to meet again at some point. We hang out in the same places but I can’t believe I’ve never noticed him or seen him around. Knowing me, I probably didn’t look at him twice thinking he was out of my league. You see, he’s absolutely gorgeous; not in a pretty boy sense but a handsome with sex appeal sense. He also had a warm face which made look like a really nice person. I also like the way he’s face lights up when he smiles.

Suddenly, I feel like there’s hope out there on the love front. I’ve had my fair share of ‘slap dash’ relationships and feel a little bored of them. They weren’t miserable or terrible relationships but I felt there was something missing. Oh I don’t know,… It might just lust for all I know but I suppose only the future will tell.


gayuganda said...

Me, I believe in love.

And I would say, go over to Putney and make a move.

er, love is love, and if you miss it, guy. You miss it!

Kitara said...

I'm worried I might have done things the wrong way. I had bolingo with him before getting to know him-know him. I'm thinking I should perhaps waited.

gayuganda said...

doesnt matter.

Where love is concerned, I am a realist. Sex takes second place, but it can interfere. But if it be love, it will not...

says cupid gug