Tuesday 23 June 2009

Wake up, Eat, Watch Porn, Masturbate then sleep.

By the way, you are on the wrong page if you’re expecting to read about my sexual antics.

I’m actually referring to a person’s daily routine. I live with the person and to be frank I’m beyond astounded. Is this what some people’s lives have been reduced to? Just because a person’s unemployed doesn’t mean they should sleep for 14 hours then only wake up to have a wank (masturbate for those who are not familiar with Brit terminology) and eat. Take yesterday for example, I was woken up by heavy breathing. I not being a heavy sleeper, woke up thinking there was something wrong with my friend. I got up and went to check on him. As I got closer to his room I saw him busy at it – pleasuring himself. I was so pissed off I just slammed his door shut. I’m a man myself and of course I do it too but I don’t wake people up in the middle of the night making noises of self satisfaction. My patience is starting to wane.

It feels like I always fall for sob stories in people. I’ll even go to the extent of falling for the story even when I know for sure the person is lying. From one of my previous posts I said that I’d allowed this guy to come live me so he could sort his life out. He seems to be doing everything but sort his life out. All that bullshit about changing the people he hangs out with hasn’t changed. There’s the drugs – lucky enough he knows stuff like that is not allowed in my flat. As soon as he gets his dole, he disappears off to meet his friends in Vauxhall for the usual – Crystal Meth .

He disappeared for a week two weeks ago; no one knew where he was not even his close friends. Only to discover after he’d came back that he had been on a one week bender. I’m concerned. I’m concerned that my offer to help is going to be thrown back in my face. He better not though – I’ll get violent on him like his last flatmates did.

He said something to me a couple of weeks ago and this raised even more concern. He’d earlier on told me that his mother had died two years ago – lies. He let slip that he hadn’t seen her in two years. How can someone go to the extent of lying about his mother’s death. Makes me wonder what else he’s lying about. The only thing I do believe about him is the fact that he has not seen his family in two year – I’m as baffled probably even more so as to why.

You must be thinking it’s time I threw him out. I’ve decided to give him two weeks if nothing changes – he’s a goner. I’m starting to feel like I need my space back – all two bedrooms; plus I’m about to start redecorating and I don’t need a trash bag ruining my beautiful atmosphere. I mean honestly! I was being kind.

I better stop, I’m starting to feel enraged.


Anonymous said...

well that wasn't very nice ^

Anonymous said...

What ever happened?

Anonymous said...

The first anonymous is in the same rut probably or just an asshole computer nerd who becomes hostile for no reason since he has nothing to live for himself. On the other hand this is all I'm doing I believe I am very attractive and can get many ladies but lately I just want to play computer and bait 5x a day, its a crappy rut man but keep on keeping on