Wednesday 20 June 2007

Snippets from the weekend

I’m increasingly starting to get slightly frustrated with myself. Every time I plan to take it easy over a weekend it never seems to work. Someone comes up with a brilliant idea and off I go. Sod staying in – ‘I’ll sleep when I dead (my attitude especially after a glass or two). One thing though I wasn’t as pissed as the previous week. I don’t like that word pissed or any of its related synonyms. It’s starting to creep up too often in a lot of things I do.

There were still tantrums, tears, and graffiti (the graffiti thing is another TV show all together – hint: a big piece of steak involved. Shame it wasn’t from a prized bull). Love is a funny thing. It always amazes me how it can reduce a grown man to pile of rubble. I find it amazing that a person can be intoxicated and besotted by another person to the point of loosing their mind. I don’t understand it really. I have never experienced anything like that. On the other hand I’m not sure I would want to be like that. I have very different aspirations and expectations from love. I often wonder whether it’s the pride, self respect that prevents me from being in love. I’ll be damned if you ever see me crying myself to sleep because of a man. To be quite frank I’m repulsed by the idea. One must never involve oneself in such friends’ matters again. One can end up with egg on one’s face – as I did. Not too pleased about it but hey,..

Yesterday was nice. I had a break from the teary eyed, love sick puppy. He went off to meet his loved one. I thought yay. Peace and quite. I’m bored of listening to this crap. I love and adore him but it comes to a point when you think I really need a break. I cannot cope with you moaning all the bloody time. I have issues too and I think it’s pretty selfish of you to use up the time I would have used to share and discuss my issues with other people. I know what I’ll do. I’ll run away to my parents this weekend.

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