Thursday 26 July 2007

No more drama - Yippee!

I have to promise myself never to live with anyone that has animals and drinks more than me – ever again! The week started well. The Viking came back home after our little fracas and everything was hankie-dory. He had a day off on Tuesday so he decided to stay in and do some work for his Swedish dance company. He wanted to work on things like tax, applications for new students etc. He started off well and was getting into the flow. Meanwhile, Susan had decided that she would stay in and finish making her chairs. This would of course involve using a drill and an electric sander. You know how much noise these can make. The Viking shut the windows to reduce the noise coming into the room. I think and I must stress I think Susan was in the mood to piss him off I also know this I know she’s started drinking (10.00am – who goes on a bender at this time in the morning. Even I’m not that bad). She started playing her horrendous fucked up Scott Walker record (The Drift) at full blast. He went into the kitchen and kindly asked her to turn it down. She got pissed off and the argument started. They started hurling insults at each other. The Viking commented on how filthy Susan is – now this is true. Susan blew her top. She’d been expecting her ex flatmate over, this had excited her soo much she’d started drinking in the morning whilst making the chairs. Craig turned up and told him what had happened and some more stuff that did not need to be said. They both insulted the Viking – quite loudly and casually because he could hear everything. The Viking left the house because he could not take it anymore. I met up with him then we decided to go to Silas’s for dinner and lovely it was too.

Silas lives so fucking far out of town (Plumstead or little Lagos as some call it) it is unbelievable. I say this because by the time we got to the station at 11.15pm on our way home, we’d missed the last train into town. Now that says something about where you live if you cannot get a train into town after 11.15 (you live in the bloody sticks). We had to get a night bus – took 45 minutes to get to Elephant and Castle. Lucky enough the Bakerloo line was still working and off we went home. You’ll never believe the state of the flat when we got in. There was mud all over the floor, broken glass, plates rubbish everywhere. Susan had smashed most of her stuff everywhere around the house to prove a point to the Viking about what he'd said earlier. I took a video on my phone which I plan to add to this sometime. There was also lots of graffiti aimed at the Viking. It was just plain nasty and evil the things she said in the graffiti about the Viking. It was just so filthy and evil. She made comments relating to his sexuality etc which I consider just plain nasty. The more I think about it the more angry I get. The poor boy could not help it but he burst out crying and immediately rang his mother in Sweden. This was around 1.30am. He was crying down the phone to his mother. I took it rather calmly because at that moment there was nothing I could do to change the situation. To make things worse the Vikings mother was not helping the situation. She started filling his head with things like ‘if someone smashes plates on the floor you are cursed’. How people believe in things like that I don’t know. Wait a minute, Greeks smash plates at parties. Does this mean they’re cursing themselves? Answers on a post card.

We went to bed at around 2.30am. The Viking was still stressed. For such an aggressive and highly strung person, he’s such a coward. He barricaded the door just to make sure Susan would not come into the room and do something. The poor thing woke up in the morning, started packing all his stuff and went to stay at Silas’s for a couple of days. He’s been ok there; I think he finds the distance a bit of a chore. This I can understand.

I’m pissed off now. In fact I’m getting stressed because I have to start house hunting again. This is such hard work. Travelling around etc. At least this time it won’t be with someone I don’t know, there’ll be no fucking animals. By the way I warned Susan that if she ever tampered with any of my stuff her bloody animals would get it. I’d probably start by bleaching the fish or perhaps accidentally push their tanks over. I don’t know, I guess it would be whatever took my fancy at that point. I sound sad – I hate things like plotting against people and to be quite honest I’m crap at it. I have to say something; I’ve never in my life come across anyone like Susan. I really hope I never do again.

1 comment:

Timothy said...

No animals. No psychos. Not a bad idea.

Did you ever get the great shoes?

I surely need some.

Have a great weekend!