Tuesday 16 October 2007

I love lazy weekends,...

Lately, I’m getting into the habit of staying in and enjoying my own space. I suppose it makes a change from all the melodrama that’s been happening lately. It’s nice to go home and have all this space to myself. The only downside is that I have always been used to having someone else to talk to in the house – something I’ll have to get used to living without. Living alone has it benefits course; I’m the permanent master of the all the remote controls in my little flat, I eat what I like, when I like and without prying eyes critically casting their eyes upon me, I get to walk around the house naked and other things. All in all, I have peace of mind. Living alone doesn’t come cheap though, especially in London. The luxury of sharing bills is long gone. We’ll see - it’s only the first month and there’s no option but to manage. So far I’m coping alright. I can start planning ahead now. Now that I’m more settled I can focus on getting other things I wanted for e.g. a car. Speaking of cars, I love Alfa Romeo’s especially the 147. I look at it and I imagine myself driving one. Shame Alfa’s are not known for their reliability. And, they’re not cheap to service either. I might have to settle for 2nd best – the Renault Megane – I just love the unusual design or if not the good old VW Golf. The Polo looks a bit naff these days. I liked the shape around the early turn of the century but that has been redesigned with monstrous round lights which make it look really cack. This is all in the future so I’m not going to try and worry about it now. I’m thinking in about a year’s time.

And now a completely different subject matter altogether; I saw the Viking on Friday night. He looks ok and less haggard than the last time I saw him which was about a month ago. He’d just broken up with his ex and was obviously in turmoil. He still talks a lot about his ex. In fact, every time I see he tells me something about his ex. It’s a bit annoying but I suppose these things take time to get over. Time is a great healer (I hate using clichés). Not sure whether it’s pure coincidence or what but he tells me he keeps on bumping into his ex. Anyway, he didn’t hang round much, he stuck around for about an hour then left. We were in the club called the Ghetto; it’s a tiny little club in Soho. In fact it’s been there ages and plays a wide variety of music. Every night is different. We went on a Friday; this is normally an electro night. It wasn’t my cup of tea so I left early. In fact Michael, his two work colleagues and Alfa were there. Alfa had come along with his own brigade it was overall a nice crowd – shame about the music. I bet you if it had been Fiction or Fire we’d be forcibly peeled off the dance floor.

I didn’t do much on Saturday. I did some reading. I’ve been reading ‘Disgrace’ by J. M. Coetzee. Its ok but the not the most enjoyable book I’ve read this year. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on ‘Two Caravans’ by Marina Lewycka. Back to Saturday, I read and slept all day. I only got up when Alpha turned up. Jacqui also turned by later on that evening. I made them dinner – meat balls and mash which I understand they loved. I went to my mum’s mums on Sunday and had the loveliest pork. It was so tender and juicy! That was the my weekend.

1 comment:

Darth Gateau said...

hey! You have a link to my blog! Welcome. Leave a message sometime!