Monday 26 November 2007

I need help,....

I’ve been doing some research into Masters Programmes at various universities around London. To be quite honest I’m not sure how much of a good idea it was because that period of research has left me even more confused. On the one hand, I keep thinking I should know what I want to do in future. I should settle and focus on following one career path – which ever that may be. I keep thinking I need to specialise and focus on doing one thing. But I’m confused because I’m drawn to doing different things. I think I’m broadly the type of person that can do anything. I have very good transferable skills. There’s also the cost of tuition to consider. Why are masters in business related subjects a lot more expensive than those that are not? I’ll probably have to cough up something £7000 over two years. I’d love to be able to go back to University and do it in a year but this is not financially possible.

The other thing that’s confusing me that I’m drawn to towards working in a design related field. I’d love to be something like a design manager. But I’m not sure if I have missed the boat. I need to get that phrase out of my head and replace it with ‘it’s never too late’. My main worry is that I haven’t worked in a design background so I’ve decided that I’m going to ring the course director at London College of Printing to get more information. The other course I was quite keen on was a short course in Accessories design at Central St Martins. It’s just a short course where you are taught how to make accessories from your own designs of course. By the time the course ends after 8 weeks one should have the skills to make complete pieces. I think I’ll take this course with a view to developing it further at a later date. I’ll do it as a hobby to begin with it. I’ve been told I have a knack for designing men’s bags. I just need to learn how to make them i.e. stitching, making buckles and things like that. On the other hand I also quite keen to use the project management skills I have in the design field for example working for a large property developer or commercial interior design firm hence the MA in Design Management.

I remember growing up wanting to work in fashion as a fashion designer or marketer. I was never allowed my mother said that male fashion designers are gay – little does she know. She advised me to take a ‘proper’ at university so I settled on International Business. I didn’t really have a choice in the matter she was paying my tuition fees. But, I think I think since I’m independent of her now, I can do pretty much as I please. All I wish for is success in whatever I choose to do what ever that may be.

On a different note all together, a blast from the past sent me a message on Facebook. The message said something like ‘’hey you. Bet you’re surprised to hear from me. Hope you’re well. Write back if you feel like it. It would be great to hear from you again’’. What the bloody hell does he mean by saying I can write back if I feel like it? This person kept my heart, mind and body occupied for over a year. He disappeared in April and I never heard from him until this week. He never even bothered to give me an explanation or anything. I knew he was alright because he’s restaurant was going from strength to strength. I did try to reach him he never returned any of my calls so I stopped calling. What does he want from me? Well this time I’m not suffering fools gladly. I’m not letting anyone mess around with my heart. Besides I have JJ who I’m increasing getting fond of. I think that’s enough said on the matter.
I said I'd add something funny at the end of every post so here goes,...

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