Wednesday 12 December 2007

Looking forward to happy holidays.

I’ve been really miserable the past couple of months. I mean really miserable; even when I’m supposed to be having a jolly good time. I still felt miserable inside. This seems to have changed since Sunday for some reason. I spent the afternoon with A on Sunday. Now me and A have always had these random days when we seem to just meet up in the morning then let the day lead us. We never have plans and to some I think it would appear like we’re walking around aimlessly. This has never been the case for us. I remember we once decided to have lunch in Brighton and then ended up spending the night in Birmingham. It was just a day of pure randomness as I like to call it. Sunday was actually a good day. I got up and did the usual - cleaning et al. I think I keep talking about cleaning too much. I know why – the idea of my flat ending up like one of those we see on ‘how clean is your house?’ scares me to death. Have you notice how I seem to wonder off onto something else just when I’ve started talking about something else? I need to stop that. Anyway back to Sunday, we met up, had coffee, then lunch at Arbutus (under rated but really lovely food – I mean really lovely food and affordable too.) After lunch we had a little debate about whether to go to the cinema or not. This sounds like an afternoon with my BF but it’s sooooo far from it. I kid you not. I decided I just wanted to stay out for one more drink. For some weird reason most bars were dead in Soho. I don’t blame people for not wanting to come out. The weather was excruciatingly miserable. It was rainy, windy and basically just crap. Anyway, we ended up in Rupert St. The place was pumping! It reminded me of fire, the guy DJing must have nicked a CD from there. It wouldn’t surprise me. Rupert St was really good fun, I met a couple of randoms – including the guy Silas shagged that has no testicles. I believed Silas when he told me. He’s the sort of guy that would check and even ask if he couldn’t find them. Shame the guy’s really nice. I even had a little dance which is the most I’ve done since the middle of August. I went home feeling good and proud of myself. I wasn’t drunk – I’d only had 3 pints of beer but I seemed to be on a high. Anyway, stranger things have happened. That was the highlight and I’m still feeling the high. I suddenly miss going out. I’m going to go out this Christmas holiday – I can’t wait let me tell you. Our office is shut from the 21st to the 31st of December. I need to release some energy. I deserve to after hibernating for the last couple of months.

On another note, I was minding my own business on Facebook about two weeks when I suddenly got a message from Mr GS. I found it odd for someone to assume I’d be surprised after receiving a message from someone I’ve not heard from in 6 months. He said ‘bet you’re surprised to hear from me’ – as if -you twat. I’ve been tracked down by people that I went to nursery school with and haven’t seen in more than 20 year so 6 months is nothing. Besides I want nothing more to do with him anyway. You don’t disappear from someone’s life and expect everything to be ok when you return 6 months later without a good reason. He had the cheek to ask if we could meet up in December just to catch up. What’s there to catch up anyway? I moved on since April. Nuff said on the issue.

The Viking’s back still pining over John. John seems to take over every face to face conversation we have and it’s really annoying because every other tenth thing to come out of his mouth is about John. He’s showing signs of moving on though; he’s been dating other people and shagging lots. He is a very understated whore! You’d never know it. I’ve known him for over 3 years and he’s not someone that likes to talk about such things unless you prod him for the info. On the other hand all my friends know the details about my private life – I don’t see much point in hiding anything unless of course it’s family. I got really embarrassed when my cousin saw me snog JJ. I got so self conscious about her being there and I’m not sure why. Knowing my cousin, snogging in public is not her thing either. I’ve never even seen her kiss a guy on the lips. It’s not prudishness; it’s just that we don’t express certain things in front of our families. The Viking is still uncertain about where he wants to live i.e. here or Gothenburg. I keep asking what he finds so appealing about London and he doesn’t seem to know. I know the answer – he hopes him and John will get back together some day. Good luck to him is all I can say. Shame cause the Viking is one of the most wonderful people I know. He deserves to be with someone special not an Idiot like John.

I’m not sure if I’m looking forward to this Christmas. A’s buggered off to Brazil – second time his boss has taken him. We suspect there’s something going on there but A adamantly denies it (he’s another secretive one). M’s around, not going to SA but his flatmate’s around and he’s got the most annoying bitchy boyfriend – ooh he’s so special he works at Armani for £7.50 an hour – bloody hoo ha! Well I earn about 6 times that an hour beat that! I think you get the gist. The other M’s around but lives all the way in Marlow, I suppose he can always come pick me up but he just dumped his gf, so he’ll end up wanting to talk about her. It’s never bloody ending – Gosh. I guess it’s me, mummy and Dave for Christmas. Oh, the joys of being an only child.

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