Friday 9 November 2007

A weekend of nothingness - YAY!!!

Occasionally, I receive these random email forwards and depending on who sends them, they’re either funny or completely shite. The shite ones are normally sent by people who do not understand my sense of humour. Luckily enough most people know my sense of humour – it’s pure nursery school playground humour and I love it. Kinda like the cartoon I posted the other day it made me laugh so much. I got another one today which I’ll post at the end.

I’m seriously looking for a new job. I’m actually really bored of working in IT for the heritage sector. My main problem is crossing over from the public to the private sector. I really regret accepting this job. I blame it on being young, thoughtless, naïve and vain. One of the main reasons I took it was the location – Savile Row in London. We’ll we’ve been since banished to the outskirts of the city now thanks to Gordon Brown. The pay was OK for a graduate and the benefits were excellent. I thought about 28 days leave, flexi-time, flexi-leave, and study-leave amongst others then I thought yeah, I’ll have that. Turned out not to be the case. Since then I feel like my nice brain has turned to rotten mush. I imagine mould and mildew growing on it sometimes. It’s the most boring job you could ever imagine doing. I need to get out - end of. To make things worse, the organisation is supposed to be relocating to Swindon for good. I’m not leaving my lovely West London flat to live with pig farmers. That probably makes me seem like a snobby person but I don’t care. If you’ve ever been to Swindon you’d understand why I made that comment.

I think I’m going to have a weekend of nothingness. It’s about time I had one especially after the past three weekends that were fun packed. I want to wake up in the morning and clean my flat then go and do some food shopping. I love cleaning. I’ve been warned by some of my friends who think it’s turning into an obsession. I’m not one of those people that expect guests to take their shoes off when they come into the flat by the way. I wait for them to leave then I get most powerful disinfectant/cleaning agent and wipe all the surfaces they’ve come into contact with. The funny thing is I’m not neurotic about cleanliness when I’m outside. It’s just when I’m at home. But, tonight I’m going out for what was supposed to be leaving drinks for someone that left our organisation then came back, was supposed to leave but now has decided to stay. I’m just as confused as you are – believe me. That’s all for now. .

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