Friday 14 December 2007

I'm on a roll and I'm filled with inspiration!!

I woke up feeling inspired. I know why - the bulb in my bathroom blew so the one in my brain came on. Oh how magic!

I'm only working 1/2 day today so I'm using my time wisely to research possibilities into a possible future venture. Stems from a conversation I had with the Viking the other day. He's a mongst those people that think I'm in the wrong job and is determined come rain or shine to get me out. I sometimes think he wants me to go work for him. He's quite an entrepreneur our Viking - he owns a dance company. He opened it at 19 and is doing quite well at it, hence the confusion about whether to move to London or stay in Gothenburg. I think money will talk at the end of the day. I don't see him commuting to the city to work myself but I suppose we'll see.

I feel like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's true what they say - adversity breeds creativity. I woke up the other and asked myself what it was that was stopping me from doing what I wanted. I could only figure out one thing and that's fear. Why should be afraid? There's absolutely no bloody reason. I need to get with the programme and not miss the gravy train - not that I'm a follower. In fact I believe innovation is the key business survival. There are all sorts of support organisations for people like me that are funded by the government. This is all with aim of encouraging entrepreneurship. Jesus please help, I'm nervous just thinking about it. I'm thinking this time next year I could be running my own venture. Yee ha! Exciting stuff and I love it.

I hope nobody asks about my venture - I intend to tell no one. The last time I shared my ideas someone stole them and it was a member of the family. It's all water under the bridge, I was't in a position to put my plans into action at that time anyway. Things are different now. I'm telling no one - except mummy of course. I need her prayers. If all things work out I could see my parents coming to work for me. They're both coming to retirement and this is something that would suit them both. Anyway watch this space....

Have a good weekend.

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