Monday 17 December 2007

Snipets from the weekend...

Just something I noticed last Friday when me, M and A were in Bar Code in Vauxhall. M saw this guy who he thought was cute. Fair enough the guy was quite cute. Not in a dashingly handsome fashion but cute as in boyfriend material. Not that I have anything against handsome men, but none of us go for that pretty boy look in men. We tend to go for guys with rugged features, lovely warm smile and eyes that show a passion about life. Wit and a sense of fun are also very important. This boy seemed to tick some of the boxes. The number of boxes to tick is quite long and I can’t be arsed to write it down. I know it sounds a bit shallow but I think we developed this list thingy as a way of protecting ourselves. It’s a means of avoiding disappointment. M surprised all of us by plucking up the courage to talk to this guy. I’m the one that goes and starts conversations with random strangers usually. Possibly because I have a silly sense of humour and I seem to know when to turn on the charm at will. M and this guy (didn’t bother to find out his name because I didn’t think it was going anywhere personally) started talking. They went through the get to know you process i.e. small talk etc. Then a couple of minutes later the conversation seemed to dry down. M asked Mr Stranger why he was out by himself. The stranger then told M that he’d had an argument with his BF. My good instincts immediately told me that this dude was telling a pack of lies. And by this time, he was starting to appear more pissed (he’d only had a couple of pints as well). I went off to squeeze my lemon and when I got back, they were in a corner tongue wrestling. Now, what is up with that? I later asked this dude what he was doing snogging somebody else if he had a bf (I make it my business because M’s my friend – that’s in case you’re wondering). His simply responded that that was his way of getting back at his bf. What a load of old tosh! It’s not as if his BF was there to witness him tongue wrestle with one of my friends. I think the world is slowly filling with random pack of idiots if you ask me.Apart from all that, Friday was a good evening.

My Saturday was super-chilled. I’m not one to be put off going out by the cold but Saturday felt like I’d been plucked from the Sahara and dropped straight onto a glacier. I consequently run back into the house and hid under my lovely duvet for the entire day. I told anyone that wanted to see me to come down to my flat. Needless to say, no one turned up. I spent Sunday with my mum. My Step dad was in the pub watching football. All nice apart from having to wait bloody ages to get the bus to and from my mum’s. 40 minutes I had to wait. I should have taken a taxi from the station. In fact, I’ll do that next time.

I have a busy week – loads of application forms and CVs to send off. Yay!! I love filling out application forms – NOT!

On another note: Im due to attend a rock star’s publicist birthday party in Jan. I haven’t hobnobbed with the stars in a while. I used to meet stars randomly and often ended up in their homes and we had some great shindigs (nothing sexual - not my thing). That was 5 yrs ago. I had to put a stop to all of that. I didn’t think partying was a worthwhile career. Besides, my mother didn’t approve of my nocturnal lifestyle. I suppose once in a while isn’t bad. I’m sure I’ll bump into people I haven’t seen in ages. I need to start planning my outfit. Yeah, I know Jan is still a while a way but I have to arrange the outfit in my mind first then spend weeks looking for it in the shops. Good God, I’m really extra aren’t I?


gayuganda said...

You sure do live an interesting life.


Kitara said...


I hope you mean 'interesting' in a good way. I think chaotic is the term I'd use personally.