Thursday 13 December 2007

Productivity – what a nice word!

Two entries in two days what’s going on here?

I’m having a rather productive week both socially and work-wise. I’ve been getting to work on time and I haven’t pulled a sickie in ages. Leaves me wondering whether everything is alright. Feels strange – I haven’t been at my best over the past 2 years possibly due to the fact that I loath my job, I hated the people I was living with and they depressed me – the bloody imbeciles. Now I live alone, it’s tough but I’m much happier within myself. I appear to be more focused as well. This is good. Things are looking up. I managed to apply for 4 jobs today alone. I have all my fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed. I’m not sure about one of the jobs I applied for. It’s doing something similar to what I do now but for one of the large LLPs in the City. Not sure if this has ever happened to anyone but it often happens that I end up getting the job I least want. Why?I’ve never understood why. We’ll see I suppose.

I need a holiday. Best start planning for New York in March.

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