Thursday 3 January 2008

Grey miserable weather - YAY!!

The weather is cold (wind chill factor -10c), grey, windy and really crappy. It's not the cold I mind, it's the cloudiness and windiness that I find depressing. Before you say anything I'm not suffering from Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD). It's supposed to snow today. I woke up all excited and nothing. Bloody TV networks got it wrong. In fact one newspaper got it so wrong they told the public to expect London to look like Iowa. I'm yet to see a snow flake droping to the ground from anywhere near my office window. They're normally quite visible especially on the 14th floor of a building. At least we've got the bloody rain to look forward to - nothing new there Brittania.
Did I mention I'm on strike at work. I wanted to take the rest of the week off but the cow that is my boss said no. I said 'fair enough'. So I came in and I'm yet to lift a finger, spent half morning doing research for other projects of interest. So there, she can come bite me.

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