Friday 4 January 2008

There may or may not be drama ahead,...

M rang me at work yesterday. The new M (this is the one that snogged my M New Yrs) had rang him just to say what was up. He was also calling to let him know that he’d lost his keys the same night and broken into his apartment by breaking the window. Needles to say, he cut himself and ended up in A&E. The new M wants to get with my M, but M is seeing another M so we’ll see. I kind of feel sorry for the new M’s BF – he was told what happened on New Year’s Eve and is not happy – no surprises there - I would be livid. To be honest I’m dreading to meet him in town as we always bump into each other and have mutual friends. Anyway, not my problem so I’m not obliged to deal with it.

My mother is on the war path with me. She’s not seen me in a week and is quite pissed off because I didn’t go to hers on New Years day. Oh, the joys of being an only child. This is probably not the right thing to say, but I sometimes feel a bit suffocated by her. Don’t get me wrong, I love her to bits but sometimes I feel like I want to live my own life and I’m not allowed to. For instance, if I’m going on holiday abroad – I get a lecture on how to be carefully as if I don’t know already. So, I never say when I’m going away. I just disappear off. I just wanted to go out and have fun with my friend on New Years Eve. I’d spent Christmas and Boxing Day with my parents after all. I’m I not allowed to do the things I want to do. Secondly, I can’t think of any reason why I should spend all my free time with my family. I feel like I have to get approval for everything I want to do and it is frustrating. I know my mother does it because I’m her pride and joy but my God, there must a limit. Here comes a stressful weekend.

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