Wednesday 13 February 2008

Bloody Feb!

I’m having a shitty month hence no posts. My world’s not collapsing it’s just that things that should have happened this month didn’t happen. This week isn’t any better. I received some news that kind of made things worse. I went home on Tuesday and dived under my duvet in misery. Never mind, I’ll simply dust myself off and try again. I’m in such a mood at the moment; it’s affecting my social life as well. For instance, I went out with RB about 2 weeks ago for drinks and he left early. He was pissed off by the fact that I seemed to be absent minded and I wouldn’t tell him why. We’ve course made up since then but I still haven’t told him what’s bothering me. I haven’t seen my battalion in ages; I keep getting calls and texts from them wondering where I am. They’re going to have to wait till next month. I need time off from everything to regroup my thoughts and devise a new strategy for a way forward. At least the sun's out; this always lifts my spirits.

GS was in town for a week. I am a bit annoyed that he made no contact. He told me when he’d gone back to Ireland; the point of which I didn’t really understand. Anyway it would have been nice to catch up with him as I haven’t seen him properly since we parted company last year.

I missed MK’s birthday last Friday. He really is going to kill me. I had good reasons though; I was in the middle of moving offices and I was simply too tired to go anywhere when I finished work last Friday. I also had to go in on Saturday and supervise the move of other confidential documents. I’d informed him of this so I’m sure he’ll understand. I don’t think I’ve recovered from the move. I’m still tired the only positive thing is that we are in a wonderful Gothic building close to the west end of London and I can get the bus home so no sweaty tube in the summer.

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