Tuesday 18 March 2008

Lust and inquisitive friends

My mind’s still in the gutter and I can’t concentrate. I won’t put it down to seeing Mark again the other weekend. I think I’m just overly randy at the moment. It’s painful sitting on the underground at the moment, I find that I have no where to look; there seems to be a man’s crouch in every direction I look. What to do; what to do? I feel like such a perv. I think I’ll start taking the bus home instead then all I’ll have facing is me is the back of another person’s head (won’t really matter if it’s male or female then will it?). Just thought of a better idea – reading; I’ve got a few books to catch up on. There, problem solved. The end.

On another note, I was in the top ten of the internet users list at work during Feb. It’s going to look a bit hypocritical since I’m one of the internet police team members in the organisation. My boss is aware though and seems fine about it. She’s been on the list before. I feel like a naughty boy who’s been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. The good thing is that none of the sites I visited were incriminating. Thank you Guardian Jobs.

Last Saturday was not as exciting as I’d hoped. My friend had arranged a dinner party for some of her closest friends from uni. This stems from when the 6 of us agreed that we’d meet at least 3 times a year. I got there early enough having been bored stiff by my brief stint in the library on Saturday afternoon.

I regretted turning up 30mins after arriving. Why? I appeared to be the only singleton in the room. 3 of my friends are in relationships and the other 2 are married with 2 kids each who they brought along. There was a lot of racket from the kids which made me irritated. Then there was question after question about my love life – “are you still seeing the Irish guy?”, “why did you not bring him?” and “oh what a shame, you made such a lovely couple.” (V.A!!! = very annoying - for those that don’t use the abbreviation). Me and GS broke up because it wasn’t working. Making a lovely couple or looking good together has nothing to do with it.

Being the only fairy in the group didn’t help much either, there seemed to be this greatly amplified interest in my life which I found somewhat annoying. My friends are used to me so they didn’t bother me much. It’s their partners I found rather irritating by the way they kept prodding me with their damn questions. I wonder what it would have been like if I had taken AN with me. He was a bit nervous about meeting my old friends so he decided not to come. On the other hand I think it was wise of him not to come along, the poor love would have been more than prodded – more like stabbed by the questions and would probably looked like shredded lettuce by the end of the evening.

Apart from the prodding questions and the curiosity about poofy life, the evening went really well. This is probably due to the fact that I avoided my friends’ partners for the rest of the evening. I was of course really careful about appearing rude or manner less.

Not looking forward to this weekend. I’m supposed to be spending it at my parents. Things are a little strained at the moment between me and my dear mother. Reason being that I feel she needs to give me a little space to live my life. She doesn’t agree so we often end up arguing and not speaking for a couple of weeks. It’s been 2 weeks now. We’ll of course make up and everything will be fine and dandy, then she’ll probably ring me shouting about why she’s not heard from me in over a week; which will piss me off and I won’t feel like speaking to her for another 2. We go round and round in circles like this. It’s what I call the joys of being an only child.

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